What Should I Know Before Traveling Northern Areas of Pakistan?

What Should I Know Before Traveling Northern Areas in Pakistan?

Traveling to the northern areas of Pakistan can be a truly unforgettable experience, offering stunning natural beauty and a chance to explore a unique and diverse culture. However, before embarking on your trip, it's important to be well-prepared and familiar with the local conditions and customs.

Getting there:

The northern areas of Pakistan are easily accessible by road from the major cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Taxis and rental cars are readily available, or you can book a tour with a reputable travel company. Another option is to fly into the northern city of Gilgit, which is serviced by daily flights from Islamabad.


The climate in the northern areas of Pakistan varies depending on altitude, with summers being warm and humid and winters being cold and dry. In the lower valleys, temperatures can reach up to 40°C during the summer months, while at higher elevations it can be much cooler. It's important to pack accordingly and bring appropriate clothing for the time of year you are visiting.


Accommodation in the northern areas of Pakistan ranges from basic hostels to luxury resorts, with something to suit all budgets. You can also camp in designated areas, although be sure to check local regulations and bring appropriate gear.

What to see and do:

The northern areas of Pakistan are home to some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in the world, including the stunning Karakoram, Himalayan, and Hindu Kush mountain ranges. Popular tourist destinations include the Hunza Valley, Skardu, and the Deosai Plains. There are also many ancient historical sites and cultural landmarks to explore, such as the Baltit Fort in the Hunza Valley and the K2 Base Camp in the Karakoram Mountains.

Safety and security:

The safety and security situation in the northern areas of Pakistan is generally stable, although it's always important to be aware of your surroundings and follow local advice. Some areas, particularly close to the border with Afghanistan, can be more volatile and it's best to check the latest travel advice before traveling.


Traveling in the northern areas of Pakistan can be a truly unforgettable experience, offering breathtaking natural beauty and the chance to immerse yourself in a unique and diverse culture. By being well-prepared and familiar with the local conditions and customs, you can make the most of your trip and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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